Friday, March 14, 2008

Why isn't next week my spring break????

The floor of my dorm room is the messiest its been in a while. I keep meaning to start working ahead on things, working on a sermon I am preaching after break and doing some more polished work for my spiritual autobiography class. My weight is currently at the upper end of what I want it to be. I met with my teaching parish supervisor today about Easter and she wants to know what kind of ideas that I would have for focusing on being church in the world after easter for education, etc. I couldnt think of anything, unable to think beyond my current obligations. This is a sign that I definitely am beginning to be ready for some kind of a break as that is a question I have been dying to have been asked for my teaching parish, but suddenly my brain can't seem to go there. I am definitely on information overload right now if I seriously couldnt think of anything for that. I am craving a time to slow down, to catch up on some things and work ahead abit. And to practice ceasing a little bit, my brain can only handle so much! I think this is why God commands a need for a Sabbath...

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