Thursday, March 13, 2008


I know that there is no economically perfect solution to the world in which we live, there are potential good things and potential downfalls to whatever is being proposed. However, I must admit that it seemed kind of funny today as I need to see a doctor and as I was making various phone calls about this, the first question always needed to be whether or not they take my insurance. It cost me a little time to do this. I cant help but ask what the motives are for taking and not taking various insurance providers. I am sure that there is even more to this system that I dont understand in terms of knowing that doctors need funding. Still it strikes me that there is something morally wrong to someone needing to find medical care and the first question has to do with what kind of insurance they have, not about what their symptoms may be. And yet, I feel like I have a certain level of protection in having insurance at all, even though its not as good as the insurance I had when I was still under my parents plan. What a tangled web this world is!!!

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