Friday, March 28, 2008

SPRING BREAK: Adventures in Slowing Down

I have been quite enjoying my spring break...

Its easy to think that because I am in the bay area that I should just soak a lot of fun events in the area up. Its not like I dont enjoy doing that sort of stuff, its more that I have already done the things that people generally shouldnt miss. Also, vacation can also mean just enjoying life at my own pace and not necessarily trying to busy myself more. And honestly, staying in my PJs and starting my day watching "Friends" DVDs and/or finishing off a novel is seriously one of my ideas of what a vacation really can look like.

In fact, I have made an effort to busy myself less. There is something to just putzing around my room. To not trying to cook all my own food (or to make less complicated meals). To not rushing to get out the door. To having the time to get a hair cut and spend some time at a local thrift shop. To letting my energy set my pace.

I realize that its a good thing to try to stay on top of all my deadlines, to cook most of my food, to stay in shape. I realize I like my life and most of the patterns I have for myself are also quite healthy. However I rarely get a point where I am not rushing to get something done, and I am quite enjoying setting my own pace and not rushing to the gym or the grocery store because that is the only chance I will have for the week. I am enjoying trying to get things done to make the coming week managable not because it needs to get done soon.

Its hard for me to allow myself to slow down the first day or so but right now I am feeling that I dont really have enough time to adapt to a slower paced life that I sometimes crave. And I think I would be bored if my life was too slow. However it makes me realize how much of my life really is centered on a sense of productivity and how much I really need to take time to just relax more. I realize how truly exhausted I am from all of this constant activity and the rest of the semester will be in a hurry, so its nice to have this kind of time now. Thank goodness for reading week!

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