Friday, August 15, 2008

TV or Not TV??

My mom and I keep on getting phone calls about possibly getting cable. The answer of course is no because of the constraints on our time and on our dollars. This prompts some reflection on my attitudes towards television. Growing up we really did not have much access to television either. I think that this is a decision that has deeply influenced me. One of the reasons why I am dreading going back to Berkeley is that in the dormitory the TV shows you watch or do not watch is kind of what formulates who you do and do not hang out with. This is actually a culture that I have a love/hate relationship with to be honest. I am not one to really say that watching TV is actually all bad. I actually like some even major time shows. My preference is to have a TV and DVD player and to rent or buy the TV shows that I am interested in. The majority of the time, the shows that I watch are ones I was introduced to by someone because I do not like to put in the time to figure out what shows that I want to follow and do not want to follow. While I am generally introduced to the things I like in a social context, my real preference is to watch it alone. For me, watching something is generally a way for me to wind down and recharge by myself. And sometimes my honest impressions of it are more likely to come out because when I watch something with someone else I tend to be deeply influenced by what they say while I am trying to figure out my reaction to it. This is one of the ways that I become aware that my introversion is one of the ways that my brain operates in the way that I process things and the way I behave when I am tired and need to recharge. When I am around people I generally prefer to be fully present and I think that sometimes watching things encourages us to not be fully present. It can be a shared experience but I sometimes would rather experience the real world with people and have a preference for live entertainment in a social context. However to be fair I find myself weighing the pros and cons in not being into watching cable televison.

+Most people watch cable TV. Small talk often revolves around TV shows. It is hard to find a connection point with people in not having exposure to what they watch in some way.
+ On a similar note, we live in a culture of TV. As a minister in training I am to be a reader of my surrounding culture. Deciding not to watch TV at all can be perceived of as self righteous or disinterested in the context of this culture.
+In the not watching TV world the level of activity can be really high and the ability to stop and relax can be non existant.
+While it is easy to netflix or buy most TV series in this day and age, you can miss out on events like the football season and the olympics in not owning a TV
+There are actually shows that are actually worth taking the time to watch. Not watching TV at all is actually missing enjoyable experiences.
+Sometimes distraction and noise is welcome company. TV is a wonderful invention in times this is wanted.

+There is a lot of bad TV out there. You need to take the time to watch the bad TV in order to find what is good.
+It is one way to not participate in our overly consumeristic culture and be influenced by advertizing.
+TV somehow knows how to suck you in even if you think its something you do not want to watch. Not the opportunity to get sucked into this is a way to protect your time for other things.
+Watching TV is a very unfulfilling task in contrast to taking the time to read a book, cook a meal, have a conversation, etc.
+For some reason the lack of TV seems to improve my work ethics.
+In not having the TV on all the time there is more chance for truly enjoying solitude when alone and conversation when with others.
+Not having TV makes me feel less guilty about getting involved in things. When I buy somethingI like to maximize it. I do not want a life where I am maximizing TV watching.
I think that the healthy approach is having some kind of way to find moderation to all of this!

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